I Latin American Congress on Quality of Virtual Education (CAFVIR 2010)


e-mail: cafvir2010@uah.es

Alcalá de Henares (Spain), 24 to 26 of February of 2010

In the last years e-learning or virtual education has been extraordinarily developed. This has been caused by the development of the information technologies and the communications, what has supposed the creation of tele-education platforms for the learning management through Internet, and the appearance of learning materials through the Net for the students.

For a better use of the advantages that offers this new way of education, it is necessary to implant mechanisms which guarantee the quality of the virtual education. These mechanisms have to take into account that products, processes and the services of education satisfy the needs of the participants in the teaching-learning process: professors, students and education managers.

The aim of this Conference is to gather research and experiences results that can help to improve the quality of this new way of education.